Rose was seriously not happy about the idea. From where we were in the marina, Coates Marine didn't look like a super appealing prospect. It looked more like a carpark really, surrounded by a barbed wire fence and little else. Gone would be the brand new, heated facilities block of Whitby Marina. And more importantly, gone would be showers...
The lift-out and relocation went very smoothly apart from my arrhythmic heart beat - which soon settled back to its normal rate once Isabella was safely in her new cradle. And on climbing the ladder to the cockpit I immediately realised that Coates Marine has its benefits! I've not taken a photo of the view yet, but suffice to say that it's bloomin' spectacular! The Vapalux lamp will be put to good use on still evenings, keeping us toasty while we look down at the Esk, then out along it towards the town and the floodlit Abbey and church of St Hilda.
This will likely be my last post before the wedding I think - unless something unexpected happens. The underside of the boat looks fine so no major works are planned.
Adios until then shipmates!
Some photos of the lift....