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2014 fitting out - How's it going for you?

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:08 pm
by Discus
Weather has been a bit pants and other stuff has taken precedence but how is everyone else progressing. So far we have:-
1. Had the engine moved to the galley and new mounts installed, new Volvo stern gland and new cutlass bearing.
2. New stack pack has arrived for fitting in spring
3. Sails valeted and checked, no repairs needed
4. New Sprayhood and tent on order
5. Steering gaiter on order
6. Shower sump pump sourced and ready to fit
7. Fitted new stereo in Saloon

Believe it or not but that's a good start for us as we don't really come out of hibernation til the end of Feb! :lol:

Looking for more inspiration from others who are further down their list.

Hope all the regulars are well! :wink:

Rob :bounce:

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:31 am
by Terry T
Educate me Rob ....what's a steering gaiter?. :scratch:

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:16 pm
by Discus
Hi Terry - hope all is well with you! Steering gaiter is conical neoprene gaiter that sits at the top of the rudder tube and connects on to the rudder stock. It eliminates any water from exiting the top of the rudder tube if you don't have a top bearing or rudder greasing gland (like a traditional stern gland). On the Tradewind, the rudder stock is a 6 inch bronze tube that is glassed to the hull sides by a wooden T piece to keep it immobile. The top of the rudder tube is above the water line by quite a margin but when you are sailing, water can be forced up the tube (between the tube and rudder stock) and dribble out of the top. This can be annoying if you like to keep a dry bilge which we are trying to get (because its about 3 feet deep).
I hope you are faring well in the current stormy conditions. To be honest, the weather has been shocking for so long that we have only really managed a couple of 1 day trips down to the boat. My suspicions about the engine vibration/alignment were proven right. When the engineer removed the engine, the port rear mount was not only delaminated but the rubber had turned to mush and the mount had rusted through and broken. The weight of the engine was all that was holding everything in place. The other 3 mounts were also shocking. You also wouldn't believe the amount of old oil and crud that was behind the engine, a black plastic sack and half a dozen rolls of workshop pads to clear it up.
I am hoping that spring may arrive early and we can get on and finish all the jobs on the list - I will give you a shout and perhaps we could meet up for a brew sometime?

Rob :salut:

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:16 am
by Jeff
We've done very little thus far. Some varnishing and planning of things to actually do. Delay also weather related. Got so sick of it we jetted off to Egypt (El Gouna) which was cheap, warm and sunny and highly recommended. The troubles in Egypt are making it very cheap to go there at the moment, and there's absolutely no troubles in El Gouna.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:57 pm
by Discus
Jeff wrote:We've done very little thus far. Some varnishing and planning of things to actually do. Delay also weather related. Got so sick of it we jetted off to Egypt (El Gouna) which was cheap, warm and sunny and highly recommended. The troubles in Egypt are making it very cheap to go there at the moment, and there's absolutely no troubles in El Gouna.
Sounds like Rimmers revision timetable ( which will mean nothing to you if you have never seen Red Dwarf)! Have always wanted to go to Egypt and do all the Pyramid, Valley of the Kings, Memphis, Abydos stuff, but I don't fancy getting my nuts blown off by a terrorist bomb :o . Maybe when it calms down a bit we will make a visit. Varnishing? Yay!!! :?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:32 pm
by Jeff
Hehe the small red one was massively influential on me growing up. I loved it. Went off it when one of the writers left, can't recall which, and it became pure farce rather than very intelligent philosophical comedy with a bit of farce... if that make sense. Series 1-3 are absolute genius. Guessing as you like Red Dwarf you also probably like Hitch Hiker's Guide, Dirk Gently and Flight of the Conchords. If you haven't checked those out, do so!

We've visited a lot of historical sites in Egypt. They're amazing but they were also my first experience of a top international tourist destination. Definitely took the edge of the magic. Gobsmacking in scale (the tourism logistics).

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:47 pm
by Discus
Yes!!! I know what you mean. Was written by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor from series 1-6. After that, they had a bust up so only one of them wrote the later series which didnt really capture the essence of the originals. For pure comedy genius, series 6 takes some beating - Gunmen of the Apocalypse, Legion, Polymorph II etc. We have the DVD box set of series 1-8 which we regularly dip into for a bit of a laugh, still can't believe how funny it is. Will have to check out the others you suggest as I an be a bit hit and miss with comedy, for instance, I never really "got" Vic Reeves Big Night Out back in 6th form even though everyone else found it hilarious!

Could spend months going round old ruins in Egypt - closet history buff!! Bit jealous!

Oh well, rather smeg than dead!!!

Rob :alien:

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:52 pm
by Jeff
Ah yes, Gunmen & Legion are excellent!

Hitchhiker's Guide is awesome but best read rather than watched. The BBC series was pretty good though, but the movie was absolutely atrocious. Dirk Gently good as a book and the BBC TV version of one of the books.

Flight of the Conchords is completely different entirely and available on YouTube. This song being a particular personal favourite:

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:54 pm
by Jeff
PS. Vic Reeves... I think I thought I liked it at the time but I can't remember why exactly.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:11 pm
by Discus
Jeff wrote:Flight of the Conchords is completely different entirely and available on YouTube. This song being a particular personal favourite:
Very good! :D

Can you download videos off YouTube?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:18 pm
by Jeff
Glad you liked it! Always nice to be able to introduce something good to someone... bit like matchmaking. Probably why I like 'take me out' :)

I've never tried to download YouTube vids but a quick google of: download youtube videos yields some promising looking results.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:40 pm
by Discus
Take me out! :o Is that the show hosted by my namesake? :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:13 pm
by Jeff
Paddy McGuiness? :|

It's the modern equivalent of Blind Date. I just love it when they get on really well. I'm a bit of a softy at heart :)

PS. Did you see the other thread on here about advice about boat buying (specifically about a Westerly Corsair). Any thoughts?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:24 pm
by Discus
Yes, that's the namesake! Although not much of a matchmaker myself!! Have commented on the Corsair thread - did look into upgrading to one but didn't really offer much difference to the Discus! Didn't have you pegged as an old romantic :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:26 pm
by Jeff
Blimey you replied before I did. Only just saw your post. You're amazingly knowledgable!!

Who else but an old romantic would prefer the hard life aboard to the easy life on land! :)