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to pressure wash or not to pressure wash your decks

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:46 pm
by richard
As i was on all fours scrubbing the decks yesterday, labouriously removing that green algae that seems to appear almost over night and makes my beloved look so scruffy, i started to wonder if it would be a practicle solution to blast it off with a pressure washer. The hull obviously is strong enough as it has to withstand mother natures attentions, but would a pressure washer be too harsh , or is there some other consideration i havnt thought of. Any ideas on the subject ?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:54 pm
by bobholiday
Good idea. I'm very interested in this also as my Centaur's getting a bit green around the edges also!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:33 pm
by Dickh
No problem, I pressure wash my deck each spring before launch - it also finds all the window leaks!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:33 pm
by DaveA
Used to do this on my Birchwood but then I was advised it would gradually cut into any pin prick holes and cause long term damage. Found quite a few pin prick holes so don't intend doing it on a regular basis anymore. Once a year should be alright though, but used as a wide angle spray rather than a tight jet.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:40 pm
by Mike
NEVER use a pressure washer on teak decks, it will blow out the soft grain & leave the teak looking liked a ploughed field, even when scrubbing always scrub across the grain for the same reason.

A good tip for cleaning decks & hull where you have brown or other stains is to use a MILD solution of oxalic acid, this can be purchased a a proprietary item i.e Starbright GRP cleaner or their Teak brightener is the same product with a different label. If you need to clean stubborn stains on a vertical surface you can mix oxalic acid into wall paper adhesive will will not run down the hull. Use gloves & thoroughly wash the area with fresh water when finished. Usually any stains (even rust stains) will disappear in around 20mins.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:40 pm
Guys we advise never to use a pressure washer as this tears the fibers in the teak

Just scrub with soapy water and a soft brush in direction of the grain then rinse off.

Teak is an expensive accessory for any owner. with regular maintenance a deck can be kept in lovely condition.

I've also read that seawater cleaning also good for teak decks, aslong as it washed down after properly with fresh water.

Ill be uploading some how to guides soon guys for patterning decks etc to give you an idea of the best way this can be done.

Never Pressure Wash your deck!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:01 pm
by steve123
I've been on Yachts for a few years now and would never ever pressure wash decks!

You need a hard scrubbing brush and lots of soap, lots of elbow grease and thats it!

Well I say that but....if you want BRIGHT new looking teak decks you need to use a 2 STEP Acid Product!

1) Step 1 - Alkaline Product cleans all the crap out the teak (never let this dry on though)

2) Step 2 - Acid (burns all the dirt/ fading grey look and leave the deck golden yellow looking!!!) NICE

Wattsons now supply a 1 ltr Teak Cleaner and Teak Renovator

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:44 am
Wattsons are now able to supply a WCF Teak Cleaner and WCF Teak Renovator.
It is arguably the most effective product on the market and the best value for money.
It will leave your decks looking freshly sanded.
The cleaner and renovator pack is so efficient it allows 2 people to finish a 50ft yacht in 1 hour!
Please Mention The Yacht Forum If You Decide To Order

Have a Great Season Guys!